2023 ISBC Portal Service

Testimony: Maria Eugenia


I Have Seen His Glory
He Visto Su Gloria

key verse; john 1:14, ”the word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. we have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only, who came from the father, full of grace and truth.”

versículo clave; San Juan 1:14, "Y aquel Verbo fue hecho carne, y habitó entre nosotros (y vimos su gloria, gloria como del unigénito del Padre), lleno de gracia y de verdad.".

Part one: I destroyed my life
Primera parte: destruí mi vida
Olá! My name is Maria Eugénia, I was born in the year of 1990, in the Azores islands, Portugal.
¡Hola! Mi nombre es Maria Eugenia, nací en el año de 1990, en las islas Azores, Portugal.

I was raised in a small town as a normal child, of catholic family.
Crecí en un pequeño pueblo como un niño normal, de familia católica.
My family was the best family I could ever ask for.
Mi familia era la mejor familia que podría haber pedido.
However, this did not stop sin from growing in my heart.
Sin embargo, esto no impidió que el pecado creciera en mi corazón.
All my life I was very spoiled and protected, so I grew up with a constant desire for love and attention from others.
Toda mi vida fui muy mimada y protegida, por lo que crecí con un deseo constante de amor y atención de los demás.
All the love I received was never enough.
Todo el amor que recibí nunca fue suficiente.

At the age of 17, I moved alone to the city of Lisbon, in order to start my studies in law school.
A la edad de 17 años, me mudé solo a la ciudad de Lisboa para comenzar mis estudios en la facultad de derecho.
In Lisbon, things did not go as planned. In fact, everything went from bad to worse.
En Lisboa, las cosas no salieron según lo planeado. De hecho, todo fue de mal en peor.
I let myself be guided by my feelings and emotions.
Me dejo guiar por mis sentimientos y emociones.
This opened the door for many bad things to enter into my life.
Esto abrió la puerta para que muchas cosas malas entraran en mi vida.
All kinds of hidden sins began to be revealed.
Todo tipo de pecados ocultos comenzaron a ser revelados.
For example, I did not have success in my studies and the feelings of failure and frustration made me seek even harder for acceptance and validation through human love.
Por ejemplo, no tuve éxito en mis estudios y los sentimientos de fracaso y frustración me hicieron buscar aún más la aceptación y validación a través del amor humano.
I had no meaning nor purpose for my life, I asked myself, “What I am doing here?”; “Why I am alive?”,
No tenía sentido ni propósito para mi vida, me preguntaba: “¿Qué estoy haciendo aquí?”; “¿Por qué estoy viva?”,
I thought my life did not worth anything and there was no purpose for me, so I lived to the limit and deliberately destroyed my life at the point of not desiring to live anymore.
Pensé que mi vida no valía nada y que no había ningún propósito para mí, así que viví hasta el límite y destruí mi vida deliberadamente hasta el punto de no desear vivir más.
This was my spiritual state when I was invited to study the Bible by my shepherdess, Rebeca Singh.
Este era mi estado espiritual cuando mi pastora, Rebeca Singh, me invitó a estudiar la Biblia.

Part two: Jesus revealed his glory
Segunda parte: Jesús reveló su gloria
The first time I heard the voice of Jesus, it was about one year after I started the Bible studies.
La primera vez que escuché la voz de Jesús fue aproximadamente un año después de que comencé los estudios bíblicos.
I realized I was a sinner. I suddenly could not deny that everything I had done before was contrary to the Word of GOD.
Me di cuenta de que era un pecador. De repente no pude negar que todo lo que había hecho antes era contrario a la Palabra de DIOS.
My heart was crushed and I wanted to erase everything I had done.
Mi corazón estaba abrumado y quería borrar todo lo que había hecho.
I was so ashamed. I had nowhere to go.
Estaba tan avergonzada. No tenía a donde ir.

I started crying compulsively in despair.
Empecé a llorar compulsivamente de desesperación.

In that exact moment, a voice asked me softly: “Do you want to get well?” (John 5:6).
En ese preciso momento, una voz me preguntó en voz baja: “¿ Quieres ser sano? ” (Juan 5:6).

In the middle of my tears, I said: "Yes". The voice asked me again: “Do you want to get well?” and again I answered “Yes”. The voice asked me one more time: “Do you want to get well?” and I was wondering why I was asked a third time, so I said firmly: “Yes, yes, yes! I want to get well!”
En medio de mis lágrimas, dije: "Sí". La voz me volvió a preguntar: “¿ Quieres ser sanada? ” y nuevamente respondí “Sí”. La voz me preguntó una vez más: “¿ Quieres ser sanada? ” y me preguntaba por qué me preguntaron por tercera vez, así que dije con firmeza: “¡ Sí, sí, sí! ¡Quieres ser sanada! ”
This was the voice of Jesus. I heard His voice and I answered Him “yes”, for the three times He asked me.
Esta era la voz de Jesús. Escuché su voz y le respondí “sí”, por las tres veces que me preguntó.

As I accepted Him, my crying stopped instantly.
Cuando lo acepté, mi llanto se detuvo instantáneamente.

The heaviness of my sin just dropped.
El peso de mi pecado acaba de caer.
I treasured this moment in my heart and since then I started a new life, walking with Jesus, under the promise that He would make me well and completely restored.
Atesoré este momento en mi corazón y desde entonces comencé una nueva vida, caminando con Jesús, bajo la promesa de que Él me sanaría y restauraría por completo.

In this new journey I had to re-learn how to live.
En este nuevo viaje tuve que volver a aprender a vivir.
I graduated from law school and by God’s grace I have a job as a lawyer, however I would still seek love from men and I was condemning myself with that problem.
Me gradué de la facultad de derecho y por la gracia de Dios tengo un trabajo como abogado, sin embargo, todavía buscaba el amor de los hombres y me condenaba a mí misma con ese problema.
In 2019, through Jeremiah 2:13, the Lord opened my eyes to see my spiritual condition, in which He said: “My people have committed two sins: They have forsaken me, the spring of living water, and have dug their own cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold water”.
En el 2019, a través de Jeremías 2:13, el Señor me abrió los ojos para ver mi condición espiritual, en lo cual dijo: “ Dos pecados ha cometido mi pueblo: Me han dejado a mí, fuente de agua viva, y han cavado sus propias cisternas. , cisternas rotas que no pueden retener agua ”.

I realized that my problem was that I would easily leave the spring of living water to dug my own cisterns with human love, but people are like broken cisterns of love.
Me di cuenta de que mi problema era que fácilmente dejaría la fuente de agua viva para cavar mis propias cisternas con amor humano, pero las personas son como cisternas rotas de amor.

I realized only God the Creator can give me true love that satisfies my soul completely.
Me di cuenta de que solo Dios el Creador puede darme un amor verdadero que satisfaga mi alma por completo.
During all these years of spiritual growth many times I failed, I was unfaithful to the Lord, but when I look back, I do not see my failure anymore, I see Jesus by my side during all my struggles.
Durante todos estos años de crecimiento espiritual muchas veces fracasé, fui infiel al Señor, pero cuando miro hacia atrás, ya no veo mi fracaso, veo a Jesús a mi lado en todas mis luchas.

I see Jesus patiently staying with me, delivering me, helping me. I see HIS FAITHFULNESS to me.
Veo a Jesús pacientemente quedándose conmigo, liberándome, ayudándome. Veo SU FIDELIDAD hacia mí.
This is how I SAW HIS GLORY, THE GLORY OF JESUS CHRIST, the “one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth” (John 1:14).
Así VI SU GLORIA, LA GLORIA DE JESUCRISTO, el “Hijo unigénito, que vino del Padre, lleno de gracia y de verdad” (Juan 1:14).
Jesus not only made me well, but He also restored my identity with the words of Isaiah 53 e 54.
Jesús no solo me hizo bien, sino que también restauró mi identidad con las palabras de Isaías 53 y 54.
I have become a new creature whose husband is my Creator, my Redeemer, the God of Israel.
Me he convertido en una nueva criatura cuyo esposo es mi Creador, mi Redentor, el Dios de Israel.
I was despised, but with great mercies I was accepted by the Lord Almighty.
Fui despreciada, pero con grandes misericordias fui aceptada por el Señor Todopoderoso.

As I prepared this testimony, the Lord turned my eyes to see His glory and He planted on my heart the immense desire to help others to see His Glory.
Mientras preparaba este testimonio, el Señor volvió mis ojos para ver Su gloria y sembró en mi corazón el inmenso deseo de ayudar a otros a ver Su Gloria.

My prayer is that my life will be used by the Lord, as a mother of prayer for His beloved children and to serve all whom God sends, so we can all participate in His Glory for all times.
Mi oración es que mi vida sea usada por el Señor, como madre de oración para Sus amados hijos y para servir a todos los que Dios envía, para que todos podamos participar de Su Gloria en todos los tiempos.

One word: I saw the glory of Jesus Christ. (With all strength).
UNA PALABRA : Vi la gloria de Jesucristo. (Con toda la fuerza).

I Have Seen His Glory
저는 그분의 영광을 보았습니다

key verse; john 1:14, ”the word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. we have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only, who came from the father, full of grace and truth.”

요절; 요한복음 1:14 "말씀이 육신이 되어 우리 가운데 거하시매 우리가 그 영광을 보니 아버지의 독생자의 영광이요 은혜와 진리가 충만하더라"

Part one; I destroyed my life

제 1부: 제 인생을 망쳤습니다.

Ola! My name is Maria Eugénia, I was born in 1990, in the Azores islands, Portugal.

안녕하세요! 제 이름은 마리아 유제니아입니다. 저는 1990년 포르투갈의 아조레스 제도에서 태어났습니다.

I was raised in a small-town as a normal child, of catholic family.

저는 작은 시골마을의 가톨릭 가정에서 평범하게 자랐습니다.

They are the best family I could ever ask for. However, this did not stop sin from arising and increasing in my heart.

그들은 제가 바랄 수 있는 최고의 가족이었습니다. 하지만 그럼에도 제 마음에 죄가 생기고 커지는 것을 막지 못했습니다.

All my life I have been very spoiled and protected, so I grew up with a constant desire for love and attention from others.

평생 동안 저는 매우 버릇없이 보호만 받았기 때문에 다른 사람들의 사랑과 관심에 대한 끊임없는 열망속에 자랐습니다.

All the love I received was never enough.

하지만 제가 받은 그 어떤 사랑도 결코 충분하지 않았습니다.

At the age of 17, I moved alone to the city of Lisbon, in order to start my studies in law school.

17세가 되던 해, 저는 법대에서 공부하기 위해 홀로 리스본 시로 이사했습니다.

In Lisbon, things did not go as planned.

리스본에서의 일들은 계획대로 되지 않았습니다.

In fact, everything went from bad to worse.

사실 모든 것이 더 나빠졌습니다.

I let myself be guided by my feelings and emotions.

저는 내 감정과 감성에 이끌려 나 자신을 맡겼습니다.

This opened the door for many bad things to enter into my life.
이로 인해 많은 나쁜 것들이 내 삶에 들어올 수 있는 문이 열렸습니다.
All kinds of hidden sins began to be revealed.
모든 종류의 숨겨진 죄가 드러나기 시작했습니다.
For example, I did not have success in my studies and the feelings of failure and frustration made me seek even harder for acceptance and validation through human love.
예를 들어, 저는 학교 공부에서 성공하지 못했고 실패와 좌절감 때문에 인간의 사랑을 통해 인정과 인정을 받기 위해 더욱 열심히 노력했습니다.
I had no meaning nor purpose for my life, I asked myself, “What I am doing here?”; “Why I am alive?”
저는 내 삶의 의미도 목적도 없었습니다. 저는 제 자신에게 물었습니다. "여기서 무엇을 하고 있니?" "왜 사는 거지?"
I thought my life did not worth anything and there was no purpose for me, so I lived to the limit and deliberately destroyed my life at the point of not desiring to live anymore.
저는 제 삶이 아무 가치도 없고 목적도 없다고 생각하여 제멋대로 살며 더 이상 살고 싶은 생각이 들지 않을 정도로 제 삶을 일부러 파괴했습니다.

This was my spiritual state when I was invited to study the Bible by my shepherdess, Rebeca Singh, in 2010.

이러한 영적 상태였던 2010년에 제 목자인 레베카 싱이 저를 성경 공부에 초대하였습니다.

Part two; Jesus revealed his glory

제 2부: 예수께서 그의 영광을 드러내셨습니다.

The first time I heard the voice of Jesus, it was about one year after I started the Bible study.

처음 예수님의 음성을 들은 것은 성경 공부를 시작한 지 약 1년 후였습니다.

I realised I was a sinner.

저는 제가 죄인이라는 것을 깨닫게 되었습니다.

I suddenly could not deny that everything I had done before was contrary to the Word of GOD.

저는 제가 이제껏 했던 모든 일들이 하나님의 말씀과 어긋났다는 것을 부인할 수 없었습니다.

My heart was crushed and I wanted to go back and erase everything I had done.
제 마음은 갈기갈기 찢어졌고, 생애 처음으로 과거로 돌아가 모든 것을 지우고 싶었습니다.

I was so ashamed.
저는 너무 부끄러웠습니다.

I had nowhere to go.
저는 도망 갈 곳이 없었습니다.

I started crying compulsively in despair.
저는 절망감에 주체할 수 없어 울기 시작했습니다.

In that exact moment, a voice asked me softly: “Do you want to get well?” (John 5:6).
바로 그 순간에 저에게 부드럽게 묻는 목소리가 들렸습니다. “낫고 싶으세요?” (요한복음 5:6).

In the middle of my tears, I said: "Yes".
저는 눈물을 흘리면서 "예"라고 말했습니다.

The voice asked me again: “Do you want to get well?” and again I answered “Yes”.
그 목소리가 다시 저에게 물었습니다. “낫고 싶으세요?” 저는 "예"라고 다시 대답했습니다.

The voice asked me one more time: “Do you want to get well?” and I was wondering why I was asked a third time, so I said firmly: “Yes, yes, yes! I want to get well!”
그 목소리는 저에게 한 번 더 물었다. “낫고 싶으세요?” 왜 세 번째 질문을 받았는지 궁금해서 단호하게 말했습니다. “예, 예, 예! 낫고 싶어요!”

This was the voice of Jesus.
이것은 예수님의 음성이었습니다.

I heard His voice and I answered Him “yes”, for the three times He asked me.
저는 그의 음성을 들었고 세번이나 그의 질문에 "예"라고 대답했습니다.

As I accepted Him, my crying stopped instantly.
그분을 받아들이자 제 눈물은 즉시 멈췄습니다.

The heaviness of the weight that has been on my back just dropped.
제 등에 얹혀 있던 무거운 짐이 떨어졌습니다.

I treasured this moment in my heart and since then I started a new life, walking with Jesus, under the promise that He would make me well and completely restored.

저는 이 순간을 마음에 간직했고, 그 이후로 저는 예수님께서 저를 낫게 하시고 온전하게 회복시켜 주실 것이라는 약속 아래 예수님과 동행하며 새로운 삶을 시작했습니다.

In this new journey I had to re-learn how to live.

이 새 여정안에서 저는 어떻게 살아야 하는지 다시 배워야 했습니다.

I graduated from law school and by God’s grace I have a job as a lawyer, however, I would still seek love from men and I was condemning myself with that problem.

저는 로스쿨을 졸업하고 하나님의 은혜로 변호사라는 직업을 갖게 되었지만 여전히 남자의 사랑을 구하고 그 문제로 스스로를 자책하고 있었습니다.

In 2019, through Jeremiah 2:13, the Lord opened my eyes to see my spiritual condition, in which He said: “My people have committed two sins: They have forsaken me, the spring of living water, and have dug their own cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold water”.
2019년, 주님은 예레미야 2장 13절을 통해 내 영적 상태를 보게 하셨습니다. 그 말씀은 다음과 같습니다. "내 백성이 두 가지 악을 행하였나니 곧 그들이 생수의 근원되는 나를 버린 것과 스스로 웅덩이를 판 것인데 그것은 그 물을 가두지 못할 터진 웅덩이들이니라."

I realized that my problem was that I would easily leave the spring of living water to dig my own cisterns with human love, but people are like broken cisterns of love.

제 문제는 너무나 쉽게 생수의 샘을 버려두고 인간의 사랑이라는 스스로의 웅덩이를 팠다는 것인데, 인간의 사랑은 터진 웅덩이와 같다는 것입니다.

I realized only God the Creator can give me true love that satisfies my soul completely.

저는 오직 창조주 하나님만이 제 영혼을 완전히 만족시킬 수 있는 참사랑을 주실 수 있음을 깨달았습니다.

During all these years of spiritual growth many times I failed, I was unfaithful to the Lord, but when I look back, I do not see my failure anymore, I see Jesus by my side during all my struggles.

이 모든 영적 성장 기간 동안 저는 여러 번 실패했고 주님께 불성실했습니다. 하지만 뒤돌아보면 더 이상 제 실패가 보이지 않습니다. 저는 제 모든 시련 중에 제 곁에 계신 예수님을 보게 됩니다.

I see Jesus patiently staying with me, delivering me, helping me.
저는 예수님께서 인내하시며 저와 함께 하시고, 저를 구원하시고, 저를 도우시는 것을 봅니다.

I see His Faithfulness to me.
저는 저에 대한 그분의 신실하심을 봅니다.

This is how I SAW HIS GLORY, THE GLORY OF JESUS CHRIST, the “one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth” (John 1:14).

이렇게 해서 저는 예수 그리스도의 영광을 보았습니다. 곧, 아버지로부터 온 "은혜와 진리로 충만하신 독생자"의 영광입니다 (요한복음 1:14).

Jesus not only made me well, but He also restored my identity with the words of Isaiah 53 and 54.

예수님은 저를 낫게 하셨을 뿐 아니라 이사야서 53장과 54장의 말씀으로 나의 정체성을 회복시켜 주셨습니다.

I have become a new creature whose husband is my Creator, my Redeemer, the God of Israel.

저는 저의 창조주, 구세주, 이스라엘의 하나님을 남편으로 둔 새로운 피조물이 되었습니다.

I was despised, but with great mercies I was accepted by the Lord Almighty.

저는 멸시받았지만, 큰 자비로 저를 불쌍히 여기시는 하나님에 의해 받아들여지고 정결케 되었습니다.

As I prepared this testimony, the Lord turned my eyes to His glory and He planted on my heart the immense desire to help others to see the Glory of God.

이 소감을 준비하면서 주님께서 제 눈을 그분의 영광으로 돌이키셨고, 제 마음에 다른 영혼들도 하나님의 영광을 볼 수 있도록 도와주고 싶은 불같은 소원을 심어주셨습니다.

My prayer is that my life will be used by the Lord, as a mother of prayer for His beloved children and to serve all whom God sends, so we can all participate in His Glory for all times.

제 기도는 이 땅에 사는 한, 제 삶이 그분에 의해 사용되어 그분의 사랑하는 자녀들을 위한 기도의 어미로서, 그리고 하나님께서 저에게 보내시는 모든 사람을 섬기는 것입니다. 이를 통해 저희 모두 언제나 그의 영광에 동참하기를 기도합니다.

One word: I saw the glory of Jesus Christ.

한마디: 저는 예수 그리스도의 영광을 보았습니다.